BLUF: A new AMLC video explains unit deployment packages.
Photo courtesy of AMLC
Many early deploying units depend on unit deployment packages (UDPs) to enable medical readiness. However, unit-level leaders may not understand what is and isn’t included in the UDP, or their role in the process. To help, the Army Medical Logistics Command (AMLC) has produced a 13-minute training video.
The video is for units at echelons above brigade (EAB) that qualify for a medical UDP when deploying from their home station within the first 31 days of a declared contingency.
The video includes:
- Program overview
- Unit roles and responsibilities
- Timelines and transportation
- Receiving and disposal
How can you watch the video? View it on YouTube
Also, there are more videos from AMLC in the works that will cover a variety of medical logistics (MEDLOG) topics. Keep watch on AMLC’s new training video web portal