BLUF: All MOS 15G structural repairers should take the job analysis survey at the link below.
Photo courtesy Directorate of Training and Doctrine,
U.S. Army Aviation CoE
The Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD), wants to hear from
all aircraft structural repairers, MOS 15G Soldiers. They value your opinion, your experience, and your time, and would like all 15Gs to complete the survey.
If you’re an aircraft structural repairer, MOS 15G, you can assist in the upcoming critical task site selection board (CTSSB)—assembled by the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence—by completing the online job analysis survey for your MOS, where you can better serve the needs of your MOS by cataloging your experiences. The results of the survey will be used to update the individual critical task list, which will help shape future instruction and training for the 15G MOS.
The aircraft structural repairer MOS 15G survey is now open and will close 9 Mar 25. You can access the survey link
HERE or scan the QR code below:
Scan QR Code
Editor’s Note: Thanks to Carlos Testa of the Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) at the United States Army Aviation CoE, for drafting this article.