More than 150 Soldiers with the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team were honored during a deployment ceremony Aug. 21, 2024, at Strickler Field here.
Part of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 56th SBCT, these Soldiers are preparing to leave their homes and loved ones for a year-long deployment to Germany. They will serve with Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine aiding 7th Army Training Command with their mission of helping Ukraine defend itself.
"This mission supports United States enduring national interests that includes security for U.S. allies and partners, respect for universal values and a rules-based international world order that promotes peace and security" said Col. Christopher Costello, commander of the 56th SBCT. "I am confident that we have the right people and the right training to ensure the success of this mission."
The Soldiers and their families were praised for their dedication to duty and selfless service. Maj. Gen. Mark Schindler, the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, also shared remarks during the ceremony.
Other Pennsylvania National Guard senior leaders were in attendance, including Maj. Gen. Michael Wegscheider, commander of the 28th Infantry Division, and Brig. Gen. Laura McHugh, Deputy Adjutant General-Army.
Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine is the name given to the mission of training the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 7th Army Training Command oversees the JMTG-U mission and is supported by numerous Army units. Since 2015, JMTG-U has trained the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 2022, JMTG-U relocated to Grafenwoehr, Germany and resumed its role. Since then, the training continues to evolve based on the needs of and in coordination with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
HHC, 56th SBCT will provide a command-and-control element to the JMTG-U mission. The unit, part of the 28th Infantry Division, is based at Horsham, Pennsylvania but their Soldiers come from across the commonwealth and some neighboring states.